Aug 20, 2008

Take That, Snakes...

The Cat Daddy is waiting in the other room for me to finish up so he can pack up the computer, and thus disable our internet access. Tomorrow we pack up the van and Friday we begin our journey to scenic Cheyenne. I've decided that a "yee-haw" is almost certainly mandatory when mentioning Cheyenne. Yee-haw.

I shall try to post from the road. Wish us luck/pray for our travels if you are so inclined. If you pray for 'traveling mercies,' it will make me fondly giggle a little inside.

One more thing before I go. I would like to annouce that after several months of physical therapy, my butt feels fantastic. Here's hoping it stays that way for a while...


Louise said...

Happy Trails! So glad you made it through the latest leg of the military journey. I hope Cheyenne is a wonderful and memorable (in a good way) home for you guys.
I love you all!

RuthMarie said...

Let's hope it does. :-)
On to Cheyenne! Look forward to hearing all about it.