May 17, 2013

Five Fast Facts on Friday...

1) I had a friend recommend that I put in the gadget that lets people subscribe to receive bloggy updates via email, and I was all "Huh, I didn't even know that wasn't already an option," so I was glad for the recommendation. If you are so inclined, the email thingy is over there on the right. Also, I had thought they were called widgets, not gadgets. When I am 70 I will probably be one who goes around calling everything "whatsits" and "thingamajigs"...

2) While I was nosing around for the email gadget, I found there are options for posting via email and mobile, and again I thought "technology is amazing!" Most of my posts are at least started via my phone while I'm waiting for the car line at preschool pickup. Blogger and my phone don't always get along so sometimes I have to reload pages, or write a note and email it to myself or something. I used to have a blogging app but I found it useless, and I kept thinking "maybe someday they'll get more slick about these mobile platforms." And it was right there--all sorts of widgets and whatsits to explore. Have I activated them? No. Not because I don't want to, but because my three little supervisors are bossy and start yelling at me and destroying the house when I'm on the computer during waking hours...

3) On the recommendation of Addie, I ordered a nifty devotional called Making Manifest. I'm just a few days into it, but I just might love it. If you're a creative-type, it's a really cool break from the common fill-in-the-blanks format. I'm still debating if it's too touchy-feely, but that's probably more about me than the devotional book. Did I mention I don't normally do devotionals? I actually kind of let myself off the hook of devotionals back in high school. And then again a few times in college.  But this one is good. I think. More on it as things develop...

4) I am one week into a schedule shift. I'm now doing my workouts early each morning. I did this before kids and it worked well, but schedules have been sketchy for the past several years. So far so good. For me, anyway; the kidlets are still mixed on their reviews of mom having her own things that are important to her...

5) I wrote this whole thing in 20 minutes and I'm kind of proud of that...

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