Feb 12, 2013

Flogging Blogging...

I've been flogging myself lately about wanting to blog more.  Most days it feels truly impossible to fit it in amid all the other things, but within the past two weeks I've come across two pieces of writing (one is here), both addressing the idea of fear often being an underlying reason for not doing something.  Now, I'm not one to jump to conclusions so I'm not saying the purpose of my reading them was necessarily about writing more on my blog...but I'm spending a little time considering what I might be afraid of. 

I do know this: writing clears my head, and when I don't write my brain gets jumbled.  So it seems reasonable to (attempt to) clear my head more and be jumbled less.  Also, the more I write, the easier the words come. Right now I sit and stare at the screen, attempting to pull words together in a coherent fashion, but in the times when I've written more consistently, it has become easier still to write more consistently.  Kind of like a writers' inertia sort of deal.

So we'll see what becomes of all this. Maybe nothing. Maybe something. Definitely more stories about Nipples on the docket, though, and I think we can all agree that's a good thing...

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