Feb 22, 2013

A Mini-Round-Up, or What the Heck is SkerriB Thinking...

Like I've said many times, I have about three zillion blog posts in my head. Or beginnings of posts. Or maybe just opinions which may or may not develop into anything resembling a post, but regardless it's a big challenge to steal enough time to get them all down. And as for full coherence and overall technically solid writing, well, that's a someday-goal.

Thankfully, as I mull over my journey these days, and the issues I think about, and places where my heart goes, I have come upon several folks who say what I'm thinking much more succinctly than I could. I actually should probably tell them to quit stalking me, because reading my thoughts is creepy.

Donald Miller is a pretty popular author. My friend the Good Reverend recommended his book Blue Like Jazz about 10 years ago, and I loved it. I haven't followed him as much in recent years, but came upon his Storyline blog just this year. He and a few cohorts talk a lot about life as a story, how we all have our own, and how we can be intentional about living our stories. Also about how we can be way too hard on ourselves, and how maybe God invites us to relax a little bit and remember that in the end we're part of God's big story, so maybe it's okay to do our little piece and trust Him with the putting it all together.  Plus they serve cereal on Saturdays.

Addie is, like me, a "recovering church kid." There's a lot in that little statement, and perhaps I need to dedicate a post to exactly what I mean, but if you grew up in the evangelical world of youth group, mission trips, and lock-ins, and maybe have had varying degrees of angst about it along the way, then you might relate.

Lydia & Louise host a blog called Rants from Mommyland, which is hopefully self-explanatory. They do a great job of letting out the fuss without bringing others down, and fostering a "We're all in this together" vibe. Plus they are physically close-ish to me (well, Lydia is. I think Louise is in another state somewhere, which boggles my mind because technology still does that to me.), which is almost being like neighbors and/or BFFs.

So, take a look around, and you will know a little bit of what just might be running through my head amid my regular chauffeuring/personal chef gig...


  1. Totally agree about Rants from Mommyland, and I never thought about it that way until now: they do a really good job with the "we're all in this together." Maybe that's why I enjoy them--they aren't mean, and they're very inclusive : )

  2. Also, weird: there must be some sort of open letter project going on, because my mainline-minister sis wrote one of these open letters too. But in reverse. Heh. http://www.kewp.blogspot.com/2013/02/an-open-letter-to-my-evangelical-friends.html

  3. Ooh, what a great post! I'm gonna have to nose around a bit over there. :)
