Dec 25, 2010

Not a Cult...

I have a hard time watching videos of people doing worship-type music. Like on the WOW Worship commercials where it shows folks closing their eyes, and raising their hands, and swaying back and forth and all. It creeps me out just a little bit, which makes me feel bad, 'cuz I'm not ashamed of Jesus, and I don't want to be afraid of looking dumb, or like a brainwashed cult member or anything. But...I also don't want to seem like a brainwashed cult member. So there's that.

Plus, you know how at the end of a live recording of a worship song they sometimes go into a stream-of-consciousness praise thing? Yah, not my favorite. I'm not against them, per se. I mean, everyone praises God in their own way; there's certainly nothing wrong with going all extemporaneous and improv-y and whatnot. It's just not my thing. So the stream-of-consciousness things have a high cringe factor for me.

Well...regardless of how cynical, sarcastic, grumpy, or whatever I'm feeling, this song never fails to bring me to my knees. Not literally (usually), but in my head (Kari Jobe's lovely voice doesn't hurt either)...

But yes, I do cringe a little there at the end...

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