We're on the way home from a week at the beach. We are in Beaver UT for the night, and then tomorrow we'll do the home stretch into the 'Yenne. Beaver has nothing on Oceanside. Even though the beach was really rocky all week, and I bit it on the ocean floor while boogie boarding, and our feet were endlessly sandy despite continually sweeping the floor in our "number one home" (His Highness's term). Our hotel room here in Beaver is bigger than the teeny cottage we lived in for the week, but it doesn't matter: Oceanside is still better.
I have not done a whole lot of studying on the theology of the afterlife, but I'm pretty sure that I will live on the beach in heaven. My "mansion" will be a sandy little cottage, perhaps a little bigger than the one we were in this week (which was awesomely awesome in its tiny efficiency), but not by much. I'm almost certain that Jesus himself is the kind of guy where you can't quite tell if he's homeless or a beach bum--the scruffy, long-haired, windblown, sun-drenched guy sitting on a city bench, wearing a pullover windbreaker and drinking an energy drink as I jog by at 7:30 in the morning. Except he won't even need a board to surf. And he will teach me how to catch waves like no other.
I hope to post more on my musings from this week. But for now, it's to bed because we are up early to hit the road...
Most awesome photo ever.