Oct 13, 2009

The One Where I Compare Sick-Body Functions...

The Cool couple and I passed a stomach virus around last week. It was spectacular. Once we were all on the mend we compared symptoms...they had diarrhea-type delights, while my body had opted for the puking variety. Isn't that nice??

We unanimously agreed that, of the options, we would rather have the pooping than the puking. They felt bad that I got the raw end of the deal on the same virus, but my puking was over much quicker than their pooping, so I didn't feel too sorry for myself (actually I did, but for other reasons. Another post).

And I got to wondering why it seems that most everyone prefers the pooping. I mean, both are gross. Both smell distinctly disgusting. Both involve abdominal discomfort. What is it about the vomiting that incurs such dread?

I have come to a simple conclusion: we don't mind diarrhea as much because it is a variation on a normal function. We're accustomed to stuff coming out of our butts (most of us, anyway). When we get sick it's highly annoying and unpleasant, but still a form of what we'd normally be doing anyway. On the other hand, we are accustomed only to sending food down our throats. The mere fact of food coming back up immediately tells us that something is wrong. And not just a little wrong, in which case our intestines would whine at us but still let the food through. No, things are so bad that the stomach is having a melt-down. It is saying, "I can't take it anymore, just everyone leave me alone and get OUT!!!" And then it kicks everything out. Forcibly and with great gusto, back the way it came in. And if you try too soon to appease it with a grape popsicle, it will kick that out as well.

Now I'm no GI doctor, but it makes a lot of sense to me. Keep that part about the grape popsicle in mind; you never know when it might be a useful bit of info for you...


  1. Hey! Fun blog (this is Stina). I'm gonna have to go with the puking on this one. I've had way too many unpleasentries with various number 2's coming out of me and raw bums. Plus once I didn't make it to the toilet and a bowl is so much easier to cart with you everywhere just in case.

    Sorry. Starting off my commenting with TMI. :)

  2. Uh...or it could be that your butt doesn't have taste buds. Just a thought.

  3. If I had to chose, I'd go with puking. That can be done in the "bowl", sink, trashcan, etc.
    BUT #2 needs the bowl! In case of emergency, I'd rather not poop my pants.
