Sep 17, 2009


Sometimes I wish real life had a soundtrack playing in the background. Sometimes I forget that it doesn't. And sometimes real life does have a soundtrack playing in the background. Of my head.

The soundtrack has a unique power to influence perception. Granted, the filming, directing, etc., have a whole lot to do with it. But the soundtrack is the thing that gives that final punch, or sigh, or scream, or whatever, to create the desired effect.

Case in point: Creme the Egg (Happy)...

Wasn't that fun? All those free-wheeling, jet-setting, squealy eggs throwing caution to the wind, flinging themselves upon the mousetraps like a day at the beach. Those crazy, fun, suicidal eggs.

Contrast with the following: Creme the Egg (Sad)...

Epic, no? A moving depiction of the tragedy that is chain reaction--this is art at its most profound. I swear I saw this at Sundance and Cannes. And I needed Kleenex at the end. To see such a sweet life, lived to its gooiest, culminating in a slow-motion end. It really makes you think about the important things in life. Like candy.

A whirlwind of emotions. Different camera angles and film speeds, sure. But you know it's the music that brought a tear to your eye. I'll be just a little more contemplative this evening. Maybe even move slightly slower as the orchestra ebbs & flows to my Oriental Chicken Salad experience. Beautiful...


  1. PLEASE tell me you mean EGGscellent, John.

  2. Wwhhhaaat? I thought you were talking about cooking then you said something about mousetraps. I'm so confused.

    BTW, happy birthday. Cue birthday song soundtrack in your head.

  3. Anonymous9/22/2009

    Oh how I love the way you see things!

    However, I think this technically qualifies me for ptsd now. Hmmmm....


  4. OK, that made so much more sense with the video clips. For some reason, the first time I looked there were no clips just words, this the above confused post.

    Creme Eggs are yummy, either in happy or sad flavors.
