Jun 16, 2009

These Days...

...are full of mom things. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks...songs & naps, time-outs, & sometimes spanks on the bottom. Gwam cwackwers, gubblegum toopase to brush-a-teese, gummy Mee-mo vine-ins (Nemo vitamins). Attempts to keep up with the clutter, with occasional momentary success. Runny noses, well-baby visits, play groups, storytime at the library. Lots of nursing. Lots and lots of nursing. Tiny baby turning into bigger baby...long & lean like his older brother at this age. Good weight gain makes me hopeful to avoid supplementing this time around. Why do I care? I don't know, but I do...

...watching TV with His Highness is slowly becoming playing & going places with His Highness--with the Prince in tow...gradually picking up with the jogging again...occasional pajama days...trying new recipes, trying to eat more veggies, baking yummy treats for the fam...finding Matchbox cars in the oven mitts, among other places...fun at home with the yeh-wee (yellow) ball & blue slide, walking to the pwaygwound...

..definitely a season of life...


  1. enjoy it! when I was going through your season there were too many storms for me to ever remember what it felt like. Now things are better but I still miss those days . . .

  2. Love it! What a wonderful life!!

  3. Anonymous6/24/2009

    I love Gwam crackers! :o) good to hear that you are enjoying nursing... that makes one of us! I am SO done!
