Oct 16, 2008

I Just Really Need Some Tums and Sleep Right Now...

Fourteen weeks, and I really thought I was feeling great. Actually, I'm feeling WAY better than about 5 weeks ago, but the nighttimes are still iffy. Again, anyone who mentions twins will receive the grand prize of a scissor-kick. To the head.

Besides, tonight's bleh-ness probably has to do with my disastrous diet today of, among other things, a pizza sub, bunches of candy (I had a hankering), Cheetos, trail mix sans raisins, a 16-oz OJ, and a regular roast beef from Arby's. Ugh, I feel queasy just recounting it.

Back home from the road trip that resulted in a new (to us) mom-mobile. Everything went swimmingly with the trade-in. I totally caved and got the extended warranty, which I'm now in the process of cancelling. It was a weak moment. This is why it is good for the Cat Daddy to be present when we are making purchases like these. Ah well. As long as Andrea the finance lady comes thru for me I won't have to put the smack down. If not, well...bummer for her.

I might have more to write about regarding the trip. In fact I probably do, but right now all I can think about is getting some Tums. Here's to ya...


  1. Anonymous10/17/2008

    what's a hankering??? I am there right with you. can't even count how many pudding pops I have eaten in the last two hours... anything to make this nausea go away!

  2. I bet I can find some sort of concoction of good things that would make you feel better from my bff Martha Stewart….That’s right I said bff….Glad you’re cancelling that ext warrantee, what a rip 

  3. Oops, I blogged as my friend Chris...it was a long day...Martha Stewart is still my bff :)

  4. Anonymous10/19/2008

    Sad part is I even told her absolutely no warranty.

  5. Hoping you feel better soon.
    Each of my pregnancies got harder... never threw up, just felt yucky those first three months.
    Hang in there girl.
