Mar 22, 2008

The Home of Jamba Juice...

...took a little jaunt up to San Luis Obispo today, aka SLO to the locals. Took in some sights (Best Buy), and stopped off for some Jamba. The Cat Daddy went with his favorite--Mango-A-Go-Go--while I tried out White Gummy Bear off the (not-so) secret menu. His Highness sampled both. We'd been trying to get him to use a straw for some time, but he'd been sandbagging us, claiming he couldn't do it. We knew better; just had to find something persuasive enough...


  1. Anonymous3/23/2008

    Yeah, but you forgot to mention how "ampped up" he was after a few sips. I swear its like crack for babies. Next time I'm not getting the "energy" boost, but the "downer" boost.

  2. Waaay tooo cute!
    Mmm, in no time our little Grandbaby will be toddling around!! I can hardly wait!

  3. linda t, you and Emy (Emi?) will have SO. MUCH. FUN.
