Feb 23, 2008

Day 1--Off & Running In Syracuse...

We did it.

We had what might've been the best moving party ever today. All told, there were 15 people lifting, loading, and cleaning various things throughout the house. The result was a little boy on the way to AZ to spend a week with his crazy grandmas, a 26' truck packed tight with our belongings, and a spotless house relinquished to our landlords. Lots of memories throughout the day. Lots of heady, pensive moments, which I have yet to fully process and get out in writing...another day. We were up by 7am; folks started showing around 8, we were done by 3, checked out by 4, put the car on the trailer and ate some dinner, and found our way to Syracuse NY by 11pm.

But now, being midnight, and being that I'm freshly showered with clean teeth, it's time for me to stretch my tired legs and head to bed. Bossing people around is hard work...

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