Jan 20, 2008

Raspy Rasp...

...So, I caught His Highness's cold. Thus far I haven't developed an ear infection, presumably because my eustacian tubes are bigger and don't retain fluid as easily as his do. I did lose my voice though, and the pair of us hacking our heads off is a sight to behold. Priceless.

I'm using the opportunity to show His Highness how grown-ups and cool people blow their noses so that their mommies don't have to attack their noses with Kleenex. He found it fascinating, but didn't want to try it himself. Ah well--he'll catch on eventually. Thankfully he's on the mend by now anyway. Much less snotty physically, and more snotty in his actions--a good sign.

As for me, I spent my Christmas gift card at Barnes & Noble today, so I have some reading to do...

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